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Study Committee on Children's Mental Health

HR 641 creates the House Study Committee on Children's Mental Heatlh.

Committee Members:

House Members
Rep. Katie Dempsey, Chairman
Rep. Joyce Chandler
Rep. Pat Gardner
Rep. Rick Jasperse
Rep. Randy Nix

House Staff
Roma Amin

Committee Documents:

Meeting # 4 - Wednesday, November 18
 - DECAL Presentation.pptx
 - Voices For GA Children Presentation.pptx

Meeting # 3 - Monday, November 9
 - DJJ Presentation.pptx
 - SBIRT Presentation.pptx
 - Vinson Presentation.pptx

Meeting # 2 - Tuesday, October 20
 - Amerigroup Presentation.pptx
 - DCH Presentation.pptx
 - Peach State Presentation.pptx
 - WellCare Presentation.pptx

Meeting # 1 - Thursday, Sept. 10
 - Atlanta Legal Aid Presentation.pptx
 - DBHDD Presentation.pptx
 - DoE Presentation.pptx

Video Archives:

Meeting Videos

Monday, November 9
Tuesday, October 20

Thursday, Sept. 10