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Literacy Instruction 

House Study Committee on Literacy Instruction
HR 650

Committee Members:

Rep. Matt Dubnik - Chairman
Rep. Demetrius Douglas
Rep. Chris Erwin
Rep. Becky Evans
Rep. Matthew Gambill
Amy Jacobs - Commissioner, Department of Early Care and Learning
Tiffany Taylor - Deputy Superintendent, Department of Education
Dr. Cayana Good - Assistant Commissioner for Adult Education & Literacy, TCSG
Dr. Stuart Rayfield - Interim Executive Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs, USG
Joy Hawkins - Executive Director, Georgia Office of Student Achievement
Dr. Theresa Magpuri-Lavell - Executive Director, Deal Center
Dr. Amy Sharma - Science for Georgia
Malcolm Mitchell - Share the Magic
Jan Black - Pioneer RESA

Staff: TBD

Study Committee on literacy instruction - minutes report - signed.pdf

Meeting Information:
Date Video Link Documents/Presentations
Oct. 17, 2022 PLAY Video Agenda